Your Trusted Healthcare Professionals in Market Harborough
Pharmacy Services by Mistrys
Whatever your needs may be, Mistrys Pharmacy is here for you!

Pharmacy First Services
Our pharmacy can help you with seven common conditions without needing a GP appointment. Book a Pharmacy First Appointment with our team in market Harborough or simply pop in.

Blood Pressure and ECG
One of the biggest risk factors for Cardiovascular disease is Hypertension and it is estimated that over 5.5 million people are living with undiagnosed Hypertension in England. Over the past two years, levels of detection have fallen due to the impact of COVID-19; that is where Mistrys Pharmacy’s Blood Pressure and ECG service in Market Harborough comes in.

Private Blood Testing
When you are unwell, your GP may schedule some blood tests to help diagnose the cause. Our service for Blood testing in Market Harborough offers an alternative route for people seeking information about their health in Market Harborough. Blood tests allow you to take control of your health. By understanding your health markers, you can make informed and healthy lifestyle choices

Ear Wax Removal and Health
We all want to live life to the fullest and that is why good ear & hearing health is important to people of all ages. There are many factors that can affect our ear health including age, the misuse of ear buds, constant exposure to very loud noises and build up of wax. If you are concerned about your hearing health or you are looking for ear wax removal then please contact us, we can help.

Flu Treatment (NHS and private)
Maybe you are worried about catching the flu or you are concerned about having time off work? Or maybe you just want to make sure you do not pass it on to the more vulnerable members of your family. Whatever the reason, having the flu vaccine against this year’s strain of seasonal flu can give you protection and peace of mind.

Travel Clinic
Your local innovative Travel Clinic in Market Harborough! Wherever you are going in this world, the Mistrys Pharmacy Travel Clinic in Market Harborough is here to keep you safe and protected along your way.

Allergy and Hayfever Testing
Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to a substance that is usually harmless. There is a way to get relief from Allergy and Hayfever through Mistrys Pharmacy’s Testing Service.

Women’s Health Services
Some women’s health services are available on the NHS and others may only be available as private procedures. But our staff here at Mistrys Pharmacy will discuss treatment options with us so you can make an informed choice.

Men’s Health Services
Some men’s health services are available on the NHS and others may only be available as private procedures. But our staff here at Mistrys Pharmacy will discuss treatment options with us so you can make an informed choice.